Easter 2013

Today I arose at 5:45 not to hide Easter baskets filled with candy and colored eggs but to get Kyle up and ready for the Easter sunrise service. It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed in the darkness of my bedroom. But, as I slowly headed to Kyle’s room, the bright moon that shone through the skylights and sliding glass doors of the house lighted my dark path.
The first words to me today were not “Good morning” or Happy Easter” but “You scared the crap out of me!” as I awoke Kyle who was in deep sleep. Just what a mom wants to hear so early in the morning, especially when the request before I went to bed last night was to “Get me up early if it is not raining.” Sigh….. Still half asleep myself, I got him dressed, lifted his 115 pounds into his wheelchair, bundled him up and opened the door so he could drive his wheelchair to the church in the dark. I hope he enjoyed the Easter Sunrise service with his friends. He’s not mentioned anything about his morning.
As I made myself a cup of coffee, my BlackBerry signaled I had a new message. My heart skipped a beat as I opened the message of “Happy Easter to all the family and have a great day” from Rossie. Rossie is my foster son of years ago. We’ve not seen each other since 1985 and lost contact until recently. Memories of many wonderful (and some tough) times came to mind. How I would love to be able to reach out and give him a hug. I hope one day this will actually happen as we sit face to face in the same room and catch up on events all these years. Easter brings hope.
After I got all the guys up, dressed and ready for their day, I head to church with some of the family. Here I was able to take a brief break from the grinds of daily life ~ until the end of the service when everyone stands to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. Suddenly, Kolya (the child who used to throw his shoes at the preacher, scream when a piercing pitch from the organ or trumpet would cause him pain, refuse to stand for hymns, and many others inappropriate behaviors) stands tall beside me. His body shook as he leaned to me and asked for help. The music was too loud. I couldn’t cover his ears for him. He’s too tall. But I placed my hand on his back hoping to help in some way. I kept whispering, “Just a little more and this will be done.” He did it. He managed to get through the music and without throwing his shoes. Without screaming! I felt proud of what he has accomplished as a person who lives with autism. I’m glad I’m his mom. I’m thankful he found his way into my life.
The darkness of early morning changed to a beautiful day. The wet grass shone after a night of rain. My flowers are in bloom and standing tall. It is Easter, the birth of spring. Will tomorrow be Easter? Maybe not on the calendar or where I must arise early to wake up to “You scared the crap out of me!” But the Easter season will continue in my heart: a season of joy, a season of hope, a season of new experiences, a season of fulfillment in life.

Happy Easter

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