Christmas comes in a symphony of sound
Bells ringing clear and deep
The lowing of cattle, the bleat of a lamb, the cooing of doves, a baby’s cry
Magnificent choirs filling Gothic arches
Shouts and laughter among sleigh bells in thick falling snow
The orchestra’s noble concert sounds
The Mariachis and the Posada procession from home to home
The peal of the organ spilling out of the church into the street
Christmas winds in palm and pine
But even more eloquent are its silences
Adoration on the face of the Mother
The waxy fragrance of the Christmas rose
Worship in candlelit sanctuaries
The peace and warmth of His presence comforting the heart
Blinking luminaries along pathways and parapets
Gifts that say ‘I love you’ without words
Singing ‘signs’ of flowing hands
Memories in sweet procession
Whether your Christmas be one of sound or silence, rejoice in
This great gift of God!
Written by Mildred M. Aiken